Woodland PTCO
Lend A Paw
We know how busy life can get! If you would like to contribute but don't have time - we'd be honored if you'd consider a monetary donation. No amount is too small; every amount helps.
2024-2025 BOARD:
Co-Presidents Sarah Brethouwer and Dianna Burstein
Treasurer Jessica Hall
Secretary Lauren Fox
Fundraising Chair Peggy Hanon
Events Chair Jamie Randall
Media & Communications Chair Nicole Douglas
2024-2025 Board Slate, will be voted on by Board in September of 2024:
Service Chair Nicole Seabaugh
Volunteers Co-Chairs Candace Nolan and Sara Avery
Interested in serving on the board?
We need people to join that are interested in taking leadership positions in the future. Talk to us about open positions or opportunities to donate a little time. Come and shadow any role to find a great fit for you.
Email: admin@woodlandptco.com
Get Involved!
We welcome a wide range of volunteers.Parents, guardians, grandparents, full-time workers, high school students, college students and community members are all welcome! Interested? Be sure to register with us and be the first to know about upcoming opportunities.
SIGN UP NOW! Bear Cub Crossing Guards
Help our bear cubs cross the street safely.We need 5 people for 3 locations around the school each morning and afternoon so you can pick and choose the times and dates that work best for you.
Contact jnystrom@cherrycreekschools.org
Share Some Time or Talent!
First, get the paperwork out of the way. Start with the district volunteer form.
Then, come back here to scan through the options below.
Share Time/Talent: Go to the Volunteer Form or view the List of Current Signups
Share Treasure: Check out our Fundraising page. Can't give time but want to help? Consider donating to support the students and school....Online options coming soon!
District Requirement
Start Here: A Must Do!Cherry Creek Schools requires every person volutneering - in any role - to register with them. It only takes 5 minutes!