Support Our School

Ways to Get Involved: Time, Talents, Tips & Treasure

Share your time, talents, tips or treasure

We are committed to helping students become good learners and good people while supporting the teachers and staff in developing bold, brave, brilliant, bouncy scholars.

  • We believe service is part of a well-rounded education. Your involvement with the PTCO is a powerful way to demonstrate to our students that serving others is a valuable, rich, and worthwhile experience.

  • We welcome a wide range of volunteers, including parents, grandparents, stay-at-home parents, full-time workers, high school students, college students, and community members.

  • There is something for everyone! You can help out as much or as little as you like.

  • If you aren't sure how to help, our Volunteer Chairs will help you find a great fit!

Share Some Time or Talent!

  1. First, get the paperwork out of the way. Start with the district volunteer form.

  2. Then, come back here to scan through the options below.

  3. Share Time/Talent: Go to the Volunteer Form or view the List of Current Signups

  4. Share Treasure: Check out our Fundraising page. Can't give time but want to help? Consider donating to support the students and school. Visit our new online donation page!

District Requirement

Start Here: A Must Do!

Cherry Creek Schools requires every person volunteering - in any role - to register with them. It only takes 5 minutes!

Register/Update Info

PTCO Volunteer Registration

If you have not registered with PTCO, tell us what specific Time and/or Talents you are interested in sharing.

PTCO Signups

Our Current List w/Links

We use to manage dates, times and slots available for the wide array needs throughout the year.

Share Your Time: Ongoing Opportunities

These options are always available throughout the school year.

Donate your time in and around the school. Consider providing academic help to students; copying or filing documents and materials; assisting in the library; or helping the teachers coordinate classroom parties or special events. Signup for a day or multiple times - whatever your schedule allows!

Go the the Current List of Sign Ups to see what options are available now!

Crossing Guards


Crossing Guards help students safely cross the street and promote safe driver behaviors at the crosswalks near the school, in all weather conditions.

Teacher's Lounge


Teacher’s Lounge Volunteers will make sure the lounge stays organized and re-stocked with snacks, treats, drinks and other essentials provided by the school.

Library Volunteers


Help with routine circulation desk tasks, assist locating materials, shelve books, create displays, support classroom teachers with library activities, and may help with light cleaning.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Committee

Join the group of volunteers helping to shape how we say, "Thank you!"

Throughout the year, the Teacher and Staff Appreciation Committee helps everyone express their gratitude to teachers and staff by providing tokens of appreciation and congratulations and executing special activities for students to do for teachers.

Classroom / Grade-level Volunteers

Opportunities vary by classroom and by grade.

To serve as a Room Parent, or lend a hand in the classroom, help with a specific subject or to volunteer for field trips, contact your classroom teacher for options and details.

Go the the Current List of Sign Ups to see what options are available now!

Share Some Treasure


Family, business and inkind options are available

If you or your business are interested in how you can support events, service projects and more throughout the school year, email

COMING SOON! Lookout for our online options via RevTrak and Square.


Running, restaurants, reading and more!

Take a look at our ongoing fundraiser with King Soopers and check out the calendar for more info on Upcoming Restaurant Give Back nights.

Company Sponsorships

Multiple Levels and Options

If you or your business are interested in a one-time, in-kind or annual sponsorship please email with questions about how you can support events, service projects and more throughout the school year.


Lend A Paw

Can't give time but want to help?

We know how busy life can get! If you would like to contribute but don't have time - we'd be honored if you'd consider a monetary donation. No amount is too small; every amount helps.

Visit our new online donation page!

Share Some Time: Special Projects & Events

Service Projects

November, December and February

Service Volunteers help students engage in service projects that address a community need. The service activities may include stuffing care packages for veterans, children in hospitals, families in need or seniors in living facilities.

School & Community Events

Fall and Spring

Join a committee, work a shift at an event, help with prep or cleanup... These are just a few ways we welcome your help!

Share Your Talents, Skills & Services

What specialized skills can you share or services you can donate?

Talent volunteers offer their professional skills, usually for a project, event or other short-term need. Actors, artists, athletes, comedians, dancers, magicians, singers, writers, tradespeople, and other professionals come in handy when we have our various projects, activities and events.

Share Some Tips

Get in touch!

Give us your ideas, thoughts, perspectives, and advice. We are always looking to exchange information, learn, and connect. You may have the next bold and brilliant idea. We welcome your suggestions and guidance.

Book Fairs

Fall and Spring

Book Fair Volunteers work in shifts to help to set up, tear down, and work during book fair hours to ring up sales and assist students with book selections.

Service Projects

November, December and February

Service Volunteers help students engage in service projects that address a community need. The service activities may include stuffing care packages for veterans, children in hospitals, families in need or seniors in living facilities.

School & Community Events

Fall and Spring

Join a committee, work a shift at an event, help with prep or cleanup... These are just a few ways we welcome your help!